Farnham Archers is keen to encourage all our members to develop their archery and therefore runs a 252 Award Scheme. The 252 Award Scheme is designed to help you practice your shooting at different distances and recognises your achievements with badges. The general concept, is that if you can average all your arrows in the red or gold, then using 5 zone scoring you'll get a score of 252 or better.

This goal for the archer is obviously to get a badge at every distance and the score essentially gives the archer a benchmark to know when they should start to shoot the next longer distance. However, you can really only progress if the archer maintains consistent and good technique as poor technique will show up at the longer distances.

A 252 round consists of 3 dozen arrows shot on a 122cm (large) face at your chosen distance. The round can be shot at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 yards with the aim of scoring 252 or better. You are allowed 6 sighters before you score and if you achieve the target score, then you can claim a badge. You must have an independant third party to score and verify your round.

It is an award scheme in use at many archery clubs and applies to all archers equally, irrespective of age, ability or bow type. Farnham Archers currently makes no differentiation between bow types with regard to this 252 Award Scheme but obviously there is more kudos for the archer when using a more difficult bow type. The idea is to have fun and develop your archery skills and as such there are only a few simple rules to follow.

The Rules
  • Six sighters to be followed immediately by three dozen scored arrows.
  • 5-zone scoring (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1) using a 122cm (large) target face.
  • You must declare that you are shooting a “252” round.
  • The “252” round cannot be a part of another conventional round.
  • Scores must we witnessed and validated by another club member.
  • Validated score sheets to be presented to the Club Secretary to receive the appropriate badge.

The cost per badge is £1, payable on receipt.

The 252 round is not recognised by GNAS and as such does not count toward your handicap or classification rating.



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Farnham Archers

Phone: 01428 68 25 61
eMail: Info@farnhamArchers.com